The youngest of those who serve at the altar, acolytes must have reverent hearts and steady hands! The word "acolyte" means "one who serves" and the ministry of acolytes dates from ancient times. Acolytes carry the processional crosses, torches banners and flags. They help the service run smoothly by lighting candles,distributing the offering plates and assisting the clergy with the Holy Eucharist. Open to 3rd thru 12th graders. Contact Chuck Bailey, Acolytes' Verger [email protected] |
We believe that our youth are the church of today, and preparing to be the church of tomorrow! Our youth participate fully in the life of our parish, from serving during worship services to participating in many areas of outreach in our community. Yearly trips for the Senior High group have included pilgrimages in Europe and work missions in the U.S. The Middle School group enjoys a summer rafting retreat in Tennessee. Our senior acolytes have participated in the Acolyte Festival at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.
Contact our Youth Leaders for more information: Email or phone: Father Mike Branscombe, Youth Minister or 447-3469 ext 211 Susan Katte, Assistant Youth Minister or 447-3469 ext 204 Pam Rilling, 4th - 5th Grade Youth Leader or 447-3469 ext 209 |